Why Healthcare Providers Should Host Their Websites With A Reputable Provider
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Why Healthcare Providers Should Host Their Websites With A Reputable Provider — digitalhealthbuzz.com
Times have changed a lot, and most industries are now moving online. We now have doctors and health practitioners who are offering online health consultations. The efficiency that comes with online appointments and bookings is unmatched. A patient in Australia can now seek healthcare solutions in India through the internet. Such physicians are also using artificial intelligence and other technologies to offer solutions to patients in their homes’ comfort.
Life365 and White Plains Hospital Partner to Empower Patients with Technology and Provide Consumer-Driven Care at Home — digitalhealthbuzz.com
Life365, a leading virtual care platform provider, today announced a partnership with White Plains Hospital, a leading healthcare provider in Westchester County, New York, to deliver remote care for patients located outside of the hospital and traditional care settings. To learn more about the topic, we conducted an interview with Kent Dicks, CEO Life365, Inc.
Video Content For Your Healthcare Practice — Digital Health Buzz — digitalhealthbuzz.com
Professionally produced video content is more than ever, essential for medical and healthcare providers. Video is a powerful medium for not only sharing valuable healthcare information but also to better promote a healthcare practice.
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Any other digital health startup founders here? 😀 what’s your company? Did you launch yet? How’s it going?
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